Time series prediction

In this project, you will regress a neural network with sinusoidal activation functions to fit to some time-series data.


  1. Download this data. (I scraped this data from the US department of labor statistics.)

  2. Create a 3-layer neural network with a topology of 1 -> 101 -> 1. The first and last layers are linear. The hidden layer will be non-linear. The input to this network will be time. The output will be the unemployment rate indicated in the data. The hidden layer will use the sinusoid activation function in the first 100 units of the hidden layer. It will use the identity activation function (a.k.a. no activation function) for the last unit of the hidden layer. Initialize the weights in the first linear layer as follows:
              weight     bias
              ------     ----
    unit 1    1*2*pi     pi
    unit 2    2*2*pi     pi
    unit 3    3*2*pi     pi
    ...       ...        ...
    unit 50   50*2*pi    pi
    unit 51   1*2*pi     pi/2
    unit 52   2*2*pi     pi/2
    unit 53   3*2*pi     pi/2
    ...       ...        ...
    unit 100  50*2*pi    pi/2
    unit 101  0.01       0     (the linear unit)
    Initialize the weights in the last linear layer with small random values.

  3. Train this network using the feature values
    and the first 256 rows from the labor statistics data as the corresponding labels.

  4. Plot the data and corresponding predictions for values from 0/256 to 356/256. Label the axes. Indicate the point t=256/256 on your chart, pehaps with a vertical line. (This is the point where it begins predicting into the future, as far as it knows.)

  5. Implement L1 regularization. Regularize only the outbound weights from sinusoid units. (Don't regularize the bias terms or the weight from the one hidden linear unit.) Fiddle with the regularization term until you find one that makes a difference, but doesn't ruin the results. Add these results to the same chart.

  6. Implement L2 regularization. Regularize only the outbound weights from sinusoid units. (Don't regularize the bias terms or the weight from the one hidden linear unit.) Fiddle with the regularization term until you find one that makes a difference, but doesn't ruin the results. Add these results to the same chart. Now, you should have four curves/lines (the data, predictions made without regularization, predictions with L1 regularization, and predictions with L2 regularization). Label them, so it is clear which is which.


  • Here is some debug spew from a working implementation to help you debug a broken implementation. To use it, set all the bias values to 0 and all the weights in the output layer to 0.01. Also, present the training patterns in sequential order.

  • Q: Can you give us some simpler debug spew?
    A: Ok, here is some...
    In this example, I used a 1->5->1 topology.
    The first four hidden units were sinusoidal, and the last hidden unit was linear.
    I trained with the same training data, but I visited the patterns in sequential order.
    (Note that for your final results, you should visit them in random order.)
    Learning rate=0.01
    Weights: 3.1415926535898,3.1415926535898,1.5707963267949,1.5707963267949,0,
    Input: 0
    Layer 0 activation: 3.1415926535898,3.1415926535898,1.5707963267949,1.5707963267949,0
    Layer 1 activation: 1.2246467991474e-16,1.2246467991474e-16,1,1,0
    Layer 2 activation: 0.03
    Label: 3.4
    Layer 2 blame: 3.37
    Layer 1 blame: 0.0337,0.0337,0.0337,0.0337,0.0337
    Layer 0 blame: -0.0337,-0.0337,2.0635298565633e-18,2.0635298565633e-18,0.0337
    Gradient: -0.0337,-0.0337,2.0635298565633e-18,2.0635298565633e-18,0.0337,
    Weights: 3.1412556535898,3.1412556535898,1.5707963267949,1.5707963267949,0.000337,
    Input: 0.00390625
    Layer 0 activation: 3.165799346196,3.1903430388021,1.5953400194011,1.6198837120072,0.000337
    Layer 1 activation: -0.024204328633827,-0.048731077478764,0.9996988186962,0.99879545620517,0.000337
    Layer 2 activation: 0.13030821575206
    Label: 3.8
    Layer 2 blame: 3.6696917842479
    Layer 1 blame: 0.036696917842479,0.036696917842479,0.16036553097163,0.16036553097163,0.036696917842479
    Layer 0 blame: -0.036686166831694,-0.036653319529609,-0.003935567142773,-0.0078687636470596,0.036696917842479
    Gradient: -0.036686166831694,-0.036653319529609,-0.003935567142773,-0.0078687636470596,0.036696917842479,
    Weights: 3.1408887919215,3.1408891203945,1.5707569711235,1.5707176391584,0.00070396917842479,
    Input: 0.0078125
    Layer 0 activation: 3.1899761659381,3.2390638796335,1.6198443551348,1.6688924071818,0.00070398037743537
    Layer 1 activation: -0.048364637212142,-0.09731695950681,0.99879738658182,0.99519243656352,0.00070398037743537
    Layer 2 activation: 0.23941974535589
    Label: 4
    Layer 2 blame: 3.7605802546441
    Layer 1 blame: 0.034265563935192,0.030880830785197,0.30229749823934,0.30217283267567,0.037652309120906
    Layer 0 blame: -0.034225464528331,-0.030734253062208,-0.014821152029072,-0.029594453358372,0.037652309120906
    Gradient: -0.034225464528331,-0.030734253062208,-0.014821152029072,-0.029594453358372,0.037652309120906,
    Weights: 3.1405465372762,3.1405817778639,1.5706087596032,1.5704216946248,0.0010804922696339,
    Input: 0.01171875
    Layer 0 activation: 3.2141775669668,3.2878438885843,1.644239822051,1.7176838195653,0.0010805435398683
    Layer 1 activation: -0.072521193719579,-0.14573042069629,0.99730423856202,0.9892314149972,0.0010805435398683
    Layer 2 activation: 0.35095921439238
    Label: 3.9
    Layer 2 blame: 3.5490407856076
    Layer 1 blame: 0.025883100303361,0.016155365998941,0.4185967357328,0.41799794988439,0.035628254759366
    Layer 0 blame: -0.025814946775527,-0.015982896761636,-0.030715576956057,-0.06117811994514,0.035628254759366
    Gradient: -0.025814946775527,-0.015982896761636,-0.030715576956057,-0.06117811994514,0.035628254759366,
    Weights: 3.1402883878084,3.1404219488963,1.5703016038336,1.5698099134254,0.0014367748172275,
    Input: 0.015625
    Layer 0 activation: 3.2384630467939,3.3367714005913,1.6684762975221,1.7661593013255,0.001436908414823
    Layer 1 activation: -0.096718961026805,-0.19394189119524,0.99523310369769,0.98097727260728,0.001436908414823
    Layer 2 activation: 0.4557592762934
    Label: 3.5
    Layer 2 blame: 3.0442407237066
    Layer 1 blame: 0.014366313850461,-0.001887413351051,0.46680745535157,0.46542163947216,0.030677390776107
    Layer 0 blame: -0.014298960711727,0.0018515770690307,-0.045525262292203,-0.090348866898991,0.030677390776107
    Gradient: -0.014298960711727,0.0018515770690307,-0.045525262292203,-0.090348866898991,0.030677390776107,