
For Better Heurt Health

Click to see original imageYour heart may be your best friend – and by by all means you should take care of it. To help you maintain good heart health. alpublic family – oriented county-wide meeting is scheduled Thursday at 8 p.m. at the Provo Tabernacle. It’s sponsored by the Utah Heart Association as a public service – and it’s free. Utah County representatives on the heart association board are taking the lead in arranging the program. They have scheduled two of the state’s fine heart experts as the guest speakers. One is Dr. Russell M. Nelson, noted heart surgeon; the other Dr. Allan H. Barker, cardiologist and researcher. Both are of Salt Lake City. One of the interesting aspects of the meeting will be a questionand-answer period. The Salt Lake speakers will be joined for this by a Provo cardiologist, Dr. Leland S. Briggs. Another local heart specialist, Dr. M. Lyman Moody, will be the moderator. The family education program, themed to “heart health and happiness,” should provide a great opportunity for poeple to receive information on the problems that contribute to heart disease and steps that can be taken to guard the health of the heart. All in all, the event seems highly worthwhile. Your attendance is encouraged.