GNeuralNet contains GLayers stacked upon each other. GLayer contains GBlocks concatenated beside each other. (GNeuralNet is a type of GBlock, so you can nest.) Each GBlock is an array of differentiable network units (artificial neurons). The user must add at least one GBlock to each GLayer.
| GNeuralNet () |
| GNeuralNet (GDomNode *pNode) |
virtual | ~GNeuralNet () |
void | add (GBlock *pBlock) |
| Adds a block as a new layer to this neural network. More...
void | add (GBlock *a, GBlock *b) |
void | add (GBlock *a, GBlock *b, GBlock *c) |
void | add (GBlock *a, GBlock *b, GBlock *c, GBlock *d) |
void | add (GBlock *a, GBlock *b, GBlock *c, GBlock *d, GBlock *e) |
void | add (GBlock *a, GBlock *b, GBlock *c, GBlock *d, GBlock *e, GBlock *f) |
void | add (GBlock *a, GBlock *b, GBlock *c, GBlock *d, GBlock *e, GBlock *f, GBlock *g) |
void | add (GBlock *a, GBlock *b, GBlock *c, GBlock *d, GBlock *e, GBlock *f, GBlock *g, GBlock *h) |
void | add (GBlock *a, GBlock *b, GBlock *c, GBlock *d, GBlock *e, GBlock *f, GBlock *g, GBlock *h, GBlock *i) |
void | add (GBlock *a, GBlock *b, GBlock *c, GBlock *d, GBlock *e, GBlock *f, GBlock *g, GBlock *h, GBlock *i, GBlock *j) |
void | add (GBlock *a, GBlock *b, GBlock *c, GBlock *d, GBlock *e, GBlock *f, GBlock *g, GBlock *h, GBlock *i, GBlock *j, GBlock *k) |
void | align (const GNeuralNet &that) |
| Swaps nodes in hidden layers of this neural network to align with those in that neural network, as determined using bipartite matching. (This might be done, for example, before averaging weights together.) More...
virtual void | backProp (GContext &ctx, const GVec &input, const GVec &output, const GVec &outBlame, GVec &inBlame) const override |
| Evaluates outBlame, computes inBlame. For efficiency reasons, as a special case, if ==, then inBlame will not be computed. More...
void | concat (GBlock *pBlock, size_t inPos=0) |
| Concatenates a block to the last (output-most) layer in this neural network. (inPos specifies the starting position of the inputs into this block.) More...
void | copyPrediction (GVec &out) |
| This method assumes forwardProp has been called. It copies the predicted vector into pOut. More...
void | copyStructure (const GNeuralNet *pOther) |
| Makes this object into a deep copy of pOther, including layers, nodes, settings and weights. More...
virtual void | copyWeights (const GBlock *pOther) override |
| Copy the weights from pOther. It is assumed (but not checked) that pOther already is a GNeuralNet with the same structure as this one. This method is faster than copyStructure. More...
virtual void | diminishWeights (double amount, bool regularizeBiases=true) override |
| Diminishes all weights in the network by the specified amount. This can be used to implemnet L1 regularization, which promotes sparse representations. That is, it makes many of the weights approach zero. More...
virtual void | forwardProp (GContext &ctx, const GVec &input, GVec &output) const override |
| Performs principal component analysis (without reducing dimensionality) on the features to shift the variance of the data to the first few columns. Adjusts the weights on the input layer accordingly, such that the network output remains the same. Returns the transformed feature matrix. More...
void | forwardProp_training (GContext &ctx, const GVec &input, GVec &output) const |
| Evaluates input, computes output. This method differs from forwardProp in that it unfolds recurrent blocks through time. More...
void | init (size_t inputs, size_t outputs, GRand &rand) |
| Calls resize, then resetWeights. More...
virtual size_t | inputs () const override |
| Returns the number of inputs this layer consumes. More...
void | invertNode (size_t layer, size_t node) |
| Inverts the weights of the specified node, and adjusts the weights in the next layer (if there is one) such that this will have no effect on the output of the network. (Assumes this model is already trained.) More...
GLayer & | layer (size_t i) |
| Returns the specified layer. More...
const GLayer & | layer (size_t i) const |
size_t | layerCount () const |
| Returns the number of layers in this neural net. (Layers within neural networks embedded within this one are not counted.) More...
virtual void | maxNorm (double min, double max) override |
| Scales weights if necessary such that the magnitude of the weights (not including the bias) feeding into each unit are >= min and <= max. More...
double | measureLoss (const GMatrix &features, const GMatrix &labels, double *pOutSAE=nullptr) |
| Measures the loss with respect to some data. Returns sum-squared error. if pOutSAE is not nullptr, then sum-absolute error will be storead where it points. As a special case, if labels have exactly one categorical column, then it will be assumed that the maximum output unit of this neural network represents a categorical prediction, and sum hamming loss will be returned. More...
virtual std::string | name () const override |
| Returns the name of this block. More...
GContextNeuralNet * | newContext (GRand &rand) const |
| Allocates a new GContextNeuralNet object, which can be used to train or predict with this neural net. (Behavior is undefined if you add or modify any layers after you call newContext.) More...
GLayer & | outputLayer () |
| Returns a reference to the last layer. More...
const GLayer & | outputLayer () const |
virtual size_t | outputs () const override |
| Returns the number of outputs this layer produces. More...
virtual void | perturbWeights (GRand &rand, double deviation) override |
| Perturbs all weights in the network by a random normal offset with the specified deviation. More...
void | printWeights (std::ostream &stream) |
| Prints weights in a human-readable format. More...
void | recount () |
| Recounts the number of weights. More...
virtual void | resetWeights (GRand &rand) override |
| Initialize the weights, usually with small random values. More...
virtual void | resize (size_t inputs, size_t outputs) override |
| Resizes this layer. More...
virtual void | scaleWeights (double factor, bool scaleBiases=true) override |
| Multiplies all weights in the network by the specified factor. This can be used to implement L2 regularization, which prevents weight saturation. The factor for L2 regularization should be less than 1.0, but most likely somewhat close to 1. More...
GDomNode * | serialize (GDom *pDoc) const override |
| Marshal this object into a dom node. More...
virtual void | step (double learningRate, const GVec &gradient) override |
| Take a step to descend the gradient by updating the weights. More...
void | swapNodes (size_t layer, size_t a, size_t b) |
| Swaps two nodes in the specified layer. If layer specifies one of the hidden layers, then this will have no net effect on the output of the network. (Assumes this model is already trained.) More...
virtual std::string | to_str () const override |
| Returns a string representation of this object. More...
std::string | to_str (const std::string &line_prefix) const |
| Same as to_str, but it lets the use specify a string to prepend to each line. More...
virtual BlockType | type () const override |
| Returns the type of this layer. More...
virtual void | updateGradient (GContext &ctx, const GVec &x, const GVec &outBlame, GVec &inBlame) const override |
| Updates the gradient. More...
virtual size_t | vectorToWeights (const double *pWeights) override |
| Sets all the weights from an array of doubles. The number of doubles in the array can be determined by calling weightCount(). More...
virtual size_t | weightCount () const override |
| Returns the number of weights. More...
virtual size_t | weightsToVector (double *pOutWeights) const override |
| Serializes the network weights into an array of doubles. The number of doubles in the array can be determined by calling weightCount(). More...
| GBlock () |
| GBlock (GDomNode *pNode) |
virtual | ~GBlock () |
virtual bool | elementWise () const |
| Returns true iff this block operates only on individual elements. More...
size_t | inPos () const |
| Returns the offset in the previous layer's output where values are fed as input to this block. More...
virtual bool | isRecurrent () const |
| Returns true iff this block is recurrent. More...
void | setInPos (size_t n) |
| Sets the starting offset in the previous layer's output where values will be fed as input to this block. More...
virtual bool | usesGPU () |
| Returns true iff this block does its computations in parallel on a GPU. More...