Welcome to our family website where we are endeavoring to collect most of the later editorials and Features written consistently on a daily basis by N. LaVerl Christensen, editor of the Provo, Utah based Daily Herald Newspaper for 39 years.
These articles are sampled from newspapering career of about 50 years, mostly spent in Provo, Utah, following Christensen’s graduation from Brigham Young University as a Journalism major in 1937. N. LaVerl Christensen’s 39-year newspapering career has spanned a remarkable era of growth for Central Utah and for The Daily Herald.
For 39 of these years “Chris” was employed in the newsroom–the “Hot Spot”of theDaily Herald. He served as editor or managing editor for just over 30years. Chris was the editor of the Provo Daily Herald Newspaper for most of his life. He was a proud advocate of patriotism and fiscal responsibility. He published a book called Provo’s Two Tabernacles and the People Who Built Them that can be found online!
If you like what you see, please reference the articles back to their original source, the Provo Daily Herald.
All articles published on the internet with permission.
Thank you!