
Respect for School Teachers

Click to see original imageA 36-year-old teacher’s aide in Denver told police the other day she was attacked by a group of fifth and sixth grade students who pelted her with snowballs, knocked her to the ground, kicked her, and struck her over the head with a stick. The woman was treated in a Denver hospital and remained for observation of a lump on the head and severe bruises. Assault charges were filed against two pupils. We cite the incident as an example of growing aggressiveness among students across the country – something that has produced lamentable results. Student aggressiveness obviously hasn’t reached the dimension in Central Utah that has been reported elsewhere, but there are indeed problems, according to some teacher reports. It’s an issue that should not be taken lightly. To a large extent it goes hack to a lack of manners and respect – something which should be taught in every home. We suggest that families devote attention to this in their discussions at home. Naturally, respect must be earned by the teacher, but individual recognition by the student of his responsibility in basic, too. Let’s hope the Denver incident will never be repeated in our area.