
Water Tragedy Lurks

Wherever there’s water especially deep or swift water – tragedy lurks. Every year here in Utah many people lose their lives through drowning. Irrigation ditches, rivers, lakes, ponds no matter how harmless – appearing – all have a potential of claiming lives when people let down their safety guard. Sometimes what starts out as a… Continue reading Water Tragedy Lurks


New Downtown Look

Provo City has “cut the ribbon” to officially open the nearly-complete Center Street beautification project A and it is hoped the “new attitude” for downtown improvement will spread and envelope the entire area. Mayor Russell D. Grange predicted the beautification effort will begin a “chain reaction” which will include “an upgrading, beautification and rejuvenation” in… Continue reading New Downtown Look


Provo on Upward Swing

Pessimists who were ready to write downtown Prov0’s obituary with the opening of nearby shopping centers had better take another look. True, there are a few unoccupied business buildings. But that can happen in any city, and new businesses as well as old ones continue to show faith in Provo. Building activity continues on a… Continue reading Provo on Upward Swing


Evaluate Property Tax

In a recent speech in Provo, Gov. Calvin L. Rampton said he regards local goverment as the most important element of the government structure because it is closer to the poeple and its actions have the most direct effect on people. “If your sewer line becomes plugged, it is more important to you to get… Continue reading Evaluate Property Tax


How Concerned Are You?

Are you concerned about the alarming increase in serious crime in Utah Valley? Rape, murder, robbery, assault, etc.? We’d guess just about everybody is – but lgow many are concerned enoug to assist with their money? Right now every concerned citizen has a chance to demonstrate his support by donating to the reward fund being… Continue reading How Concerned Are You?


Vigilance Against Rapists

Three rape cases in one day – something heretofore unheard of in Utah Valley have proved once more that the people of this area must exercise vigilance and safety precautions against crime as never before. Traditionally a peaceful area with a crime rate far under national average, the region in recent months has been shocked… Continue reading Vigilance
Against Rapists


Orem Sets Business Pace

Central Utah cities fared well in business activity in a report for 1974 compared with previous years submitted by the Utah Foundation. Among cities, Orem’s business growth was the greatest at 28.7 per cent – a boost from $89,557.000 in 1973 to $115303,000 in 1974. Other selected cities measured by sales subject to the sales… Continue reading Orem Sets Business Pace


Utah and Traffic Safety

Utah, Arkansas and Montana have made the greatest progress among states in cutting traffic deaths during the last two years, according to National Safety Council figures quoted in the Reporter, monthly publication of the Highway Users Federation. Utah, in that period. succeeded in cutting traffic deaths from 5.7 to 3 per 100 million vechicie miles… Continue reading Utah and Traffic Safety


‘More Blessed to Give…’

Christmas memories may be fading – but there’s a special memory that ought to linger because it stands for heart-warming generosity and consideration for persons in need. We’re referring to the Subfor-Santa program in Utah Valley which had a good year under direction of the Division of Family Services, State Department of Social Services. According… Continue reading ‘More Blessed to Give…’


Significant ‘Y’ Milestone

The convocation and dedication of the J. Reuben Clark Law School Building at Brigham Young University Friday will be a significant milestone for the University and Central Utah. Seldom has an event here brought together a more distinguished group of dignitaries. Participating in a major way will be Chief Justice of the United States Warren… Continue reading Significant ‘Y’ Milestone