
Story Ends Happily . . .

Click to see original imagePeople who fly particu arly those who travel in their own planes should take care to notify the appropriate persons when flight plans change. A lot of people undoubtedly were alarmed temporarily last weekend when a Utah couple apparently neglected or were unable to communicate as conditions caused them to revise their intended flight schedule. The couple – on a flight to Sacramento – were found safe in Wendover. That was a relief, of course, after they’d been reported earlier as missing. But the report that they were lost never would have gone out had they managed to notify the right persons. According to news accounts, the traffic controller at Battle Mountain, Nev., where the couple refueled, didn’t know where they were headed, although they mentioned they might return to Utah if stopped by the weather. Turned back because of rain and winds over the Sierras, the couple were unable to reach friends expecting them in Sacramento who reported the aircraft missing. News reports said they flew back the way they came and made it to the Nevada-Utah border before weather closed in, landing safely at Wendover to wait out the storm. Searchers checking airports finally located the plane. Thus, the story ended happily. Everyone is pleased that the fliers are safe. But maybe in their weekend episode there’s a lesson for all who fly to be sure to cover all bases. communications-wise, when plans change or they are forced into impromptu routes. Conceivably, this type of quick notification could save a great deal of worry and prevent the necessity of wasting manpower and money in fruitless searches.