
You Ccm Help Save Sight

Click to see original image. Each week three Utahns lose their sight – and one aspect of the distressing report is that half of this blindness need not happen. Says the Utah Society for the Prevention of Blindness: “Through knowledge and skills already available, 50 percent of all blindness can now be prevented? The Utah Society recently conducted a “telephone derby” from the Utah Technical College’s new Orem Campus inviting contributions for programs for control of blindness. The drive netted about $1000 a valuable help but no doubt considerably under the amount Utah Valle residents should give. We wouldy suggest that persons not contacted by phone donate by sending checks to Utah Society for the Prevention of Blindness Inc., 2033 South State (Building No. 4), Utah 841l5. The Utah Society is a voluntary, non l- profit organization which provides information to citizens about eglaucoma, cataracts and eye d ects in children. It also works in eye safety and accident prevention. “Preschool vision screening programs and glaucoma screenmg clinics, sponsored with Lions Clubs throughout the state, are two of the ways the society reaches people. Your financial support can help to carry these programs to more people. Three members of the board of directors of the Utah Society reside in Utah County. They are Dr. Emest H. Dean, who chairmaned the Utah County “telephone derby,” Mrs. Marshall R. Craig, and Dr. Merrill Oaks. Those who helped conduct the fund drive by telephone deserve a word of thanks; so do people who contributed or will yet send checks.