
Protect Your Home

Click to see original imageCentral Utahns whose homes have been burglarized while the family was away will tell you discovery of the break-in is a sickening experience. You begin to get an inkling as you notice the front door is unlocked…or maybe swung partly open. Once inside you see the lock has been broken, drawers pulled out and dumped, cosets emptied, coin banks smashed. Your jewelry, appliances, silverware, and other valuable belongings are missing. If you’ve never had this happen to you, you’re lucky. It did happen to over a million persons last year, causing nearly $800 million in losses. There are many things the average person can do to avoid becoming a burglar. victim. For example: Doors should be equipped with strong locks which have the “dead bolt” feature. If the door has a glass panel, it should be small and placed high in the door so that entrance cannot be gained by breaking the glass and crawling through or reaching in to unlock the door. Windows should be protected with a strong lock. Particular attentioi should be paid to basemen and second story window: .which frequently ari overlooked. Storm window: and screens, hooked on the inside, provide additiona protection. If you have 2 burglary alarm, set it every time you leave the house. Before leaving on vacation, make the house appear “lived in” even though empty. One or more lights should be connected to an automatic lamp timer which turns them on at dusk and off at bedtime. Shades and drapes should be left in normal positions, not pulled tightly shut. All deliveries such as milk, newspapers, etc. should be discontinued. Arrangements should be made with a neighbor or friend to keep the grass mowed and to remove circulars and handbills left on the porch. Mail can be held at the post office or removed from the mail box by a friend. Other tips; Close and lock the garage. If you plan to be away for several days, notify the police department of your timetable and where they can obtain a key in case of emergency. Don’t leave notes on the door or in the milk bottle. Don’t keep cash around the house. Jewelry, stocks, bonds and other valuables should be kept in a safe deposit box. A storage vault is an ideal place for furs during the summer for double protection against hot weather and burglary. Keep a record of serial numbers on appliances, typewriters, cameras and other such items. You can prevent or minimize financial loss, personal inconvenience, and possibly even physical danger by taking a few moments to protect your home.