
‘The First Hundred Yeurs’

Click to see original imageA century is a long time and yet so fleeting in the overall picture of our civilization. This week the Herald is commemorating a century of newspaperlng by this paper and its predecessors. in “the first hundred years” many men and women have devoted lifetimes of service in the endeavor. Yet, in terms of the challenge ahead and the job to be accomplished, it seems as if we are only beginning. Reflecting on the century since the Herald’s great ancestor, the Provo Daily Times, had its first struggles in the depression of 1873, we are grateful for those who have pioneered the way, for ,the growth and progress the years have brought, and for the freedom to chart new pathways as we face the future. Newspaper history in Provo and Central Utah has parallelled the history of the communities of the area and their businesses, industries, educational institutions, and other segments of society. Our progress has been tied to theirs . . . and to their support. We have sought always to make our ovm contribution. Glimpses of Provo newspaper history, as well as many historical highlights relating to the entire area, appear elsewhere in this Centennial Edition. Suffice it here to reiterate a few objectives as we look ahead from this vantage point: -The Herald reaffirms its devotion to the interests and welfare of the people of Central Utah, especially im the counties we directly serve Utah, Juab and Wasatch. -Unlike some of the papers during the “party press” era mentioned in the centennial history in Section A, the Herald continues independent politically as we have been since becoming a daily in lm, reserving the right to criticize or applaud actions and philosophies of any party. -0ur goal is to serve the people with the best newspaper we can produce, and to keep our readers informed by publishing significant news from local, state, domestic and intemational scenes. As you peruse this edition, we hope you will find enjoyment, education and inspiration in the numerous pictures from bygone eras, the “pages from the past” which we have reproduced, and the historical information presented in the various sections. We extend appreciation to lall those whose support has made the edition possible. ,