Politics, Posts with Problems

Congressional Record: Repository of fact and effusion

Click to see original imageCongress, that distinguished body of American lawmakers, functions in dignity and sticks strictly to business in its sessions – most of the time.
But as drum-beaters for their respective states, our senators and representatives like to boast of their constituents — champion athletes, oration winners, folks cited for bravery or unusual achievements.
vu’yor usual adllevunenu. As polltidam, tley sometimes indulge in sly at opal dip at colleagues of tl: oppostie political laith. As human beings tley occasionally mix a hit of humor or horse play with debats on legislation Ani as ptriotic Americans, lawmaker! might cite the anniversary of a histcrical happening or honir the memrry of a noble ooimtryman now deceased lt’s all tlnre in the Congrmsional Record, that irmnasive jrirled logof each day’s preceediru in the Home ard &hate. Hee are a lewsecentexarnples lromthe Record: Bubbling with price over his atate’s simular cmhdbutltai to the U.S. Winer Olynpit: team, Sen. William Proxmire (DWis.) runinded the Senate that all six medals Americms had wm at lake Placid at that jumhire wu-e earned by tlree Wimxisinites – Beth lleideu, Eric I-leidm, ard buh Poulos Muells. “Aa their senator, I could not he la-ouder. These young peqile have developed their runarlrahle God-given talmta rriagnidcently,” Pmxmire exalted. 1’hm Sen. Jdm G. Tower (D-Tex). aahd for the floor. “I mam-milate tl: senator from Wisconsin on having an op poriinity in la-ag alma thee tlree line young peoiiesl add a Texun’a omgratidatluu to dserve tl: accolaba d all Americans.” Tt:nTowu gotinhisowncunmercial: “Iamoonstraimd to ohservethatllwehadtheklniofrszttniweadiuintlnwin tn-timeinTexasthattlieyluvelnWiacosuin, lamsrre we eouldercelatwlnterspu-tus well.” A few other entrln on “local yrlde.” A -Sm JakeGa-n(BrUtah)aiedtohavethe0onig1-easuau1 ltemrdprintapoerribyJul.lyAuuveH.ldes- uftltahonoutnges apimthuman lihertyin holding ofAmerican hostages in Iran, Heoalledtle poem “an eloquent statement if the digiiw if ads lannm heing.” -Sen. Hunan E. Talmadge (D-Ga.) diced two rmolilirn honoring the Georgia Huuars, historic military command crganired Feb. lz, lm which la-ought “honnr ani glory to the State of Georgia and to the Natim.” -Rq:.MorrlsK.Uda11(DAriz.)readl1i.otheru:ordapoem dtrihuetovetsumh-eedmn,mdlhec1a1nti’y, writtenbyan Arlaona American legionnaire, Peter M. Para. Recuxlywlnnkepiblicanooim-xmnhoklnnoiawm to talk up plans to capturte control of Congreus in the IH) election, Rqi. Robe-t B. Duncan (D-ile.) stayed to rqraent theDemocrata These was sane kidding hetwunbunoan and a GW qieier or two. ThenRep.JohnH. Bousselot (RAND!) eapruaeda hzpe that Dernoleaderawuildhewllllngmdehatenmreopeulytlzeisnnes raindhyllepnlilam. NodtingatIfhinmn, hecumnemed, ”Mayhewecangetourool1eagnebonit1’egon,ulongaslelus hem (DNSGNH)toslthei’e,totahetl1atmnsa3ehait tothe Democratic leaderalip …. ” Duncan akad for the Eoor and rah singly; ‘The word is IDNDEMNED, nd (DNSIGNED.” ‘lwomenur passedhy mel-louae-involvingegg and Eames-htldthefnnwhondtwoeougrasmnwhomcie tmgue-incheok mini-qmchess. HR. amuided the Egg Research mdtbmmierlna-nndonAct; andH.R. immrrea.-tedanianianaly lnjhe rate ” duty appllnbls to u-hols of apparel in wl-deh feathes and wm are ind. Befare pasmge, Rep. Geraldine A. Ferrero (D-NX.) tnted: Speaker, here are many questions what have dnllsiged theg;utmimiadtl:humanrace.Bintn1aieui11qile,aridn conplexnthis:”Whichcan1eflnt.thecliIckulu’tlieqg! “Frommhmand Eve totheiillloaqaldul psntltsd Iothy, tlieseemirglyharmlesariddlehustymledlieguihiassofthe age. Plato oontumlded, Sotntes tnted, Molkearai Volhlr reasonedwltlatutsuccss. Andao,we cmllnue toponiertlt origin d ful,. 7 7 “Tothyt.I1elirstpiev.eofhusinuhezforeiheHmnaid1eE2g Raearch and Consumer Inlm-mation Act, Fdlowiig tlat, we meidsH.R.2492,taritltreatnaaitofcr1atleath-sanddown. Ado-rnthingCmgx-es? Nntatall Todaytlzllnuseamwarsthe unnsweahle qnestim.” Bq:. llxbet H. Miclnl (R-lll.) said the two hill runimled lim of the current majority leadership “1’he Dunocratlo maju-ltyishard-boi1sdan’lhmsi:-amhledlor5years,hzohii; lu-good policies. lttooottentreatsthemllaa-ltyasilwswerea had yok, wttch realh- leavu us tried. “lsupposeyouwillsay omletdngnnrselfgotorelax-.lInttlni, Mr.Speake, you have tocnnsiler the Feathua and DowraAd. Itonlygzose toslmwyouthat1niderD:nocraliclada’i1lpwe ihnttlelardinuea.Andsolnytoyou,sir,teathn1ynnillh ltornntweolthemimrltywihrlnergaintogivetldsllnsea more slgnlllcant eggislatlve program than wlat we have in sure ltr us todav.” 4 A- . Michel’s meech hrougat a “get down lo bnalmes” reyinh (run Bq:. Tlnmaa S. Foley (D-Wada.): “I would not want to nggen tlnt lhe pntleman is a “featlzr mn-daant,” or haslald aneggonthelloorofthe HM.lR,b1ItI$’ilAillImfDDi, atleasttot.hecomh-y.ltisverys1s’ion1aInheaihjectedtotln modiery by the mimrity ofthese owofine Hlh.” ‘lhe Corgressional Record ha carried many trllaitu to Geu-geWashingtmandAlralimnLimdn,ttzeds1tand ith Anurir.-an ya-sidents, respectivdy. In sort of an df-but apinoch. Bq:. Samuel L Devine (R-Olde.) more to nth Wusliingtufs example of fiscal respomlbllity, swing: “Whm he was President, our Federal Gave-nment mlloued tuna i therateo(93cmtsperpersoninaq’piulyear.AralgxivernnsrI speutdiuetaxddlarsattleraleoflvmrnaamhmte. ”Butto&y,,om’ooimtry hssgorieolltlieatralgltarllrnrivw h-alt offimal solvency. The goverirnent ia eolhctlng revume thuyearattherateoft1,400pspss-siu111ueDunnnu’atconholledmngressis spending those tax ddlarsnthe rate d over $1 million evuy mirnite of every day.”