Civic Responsibility, Coingressional Pay Raises, National Debt, Political Corruption, Politics, Taxes

Congressional Pay Raise

ln 1965 congressional salaries were raised from $22,-500 to $30,000 – and four years ago there was a 41 per cent jump to $42,500. Now a new proposal in process would give congress members and some other officials salary increases reportedly in the neighborhood of $10,000 a year. Obviously rising living costs affect congressmen as well as everyone else. But are such massive salary increases justified?… Continue reading Congressional Pay Raise

Civic Leaders of Utah County, Civic Responsibility, Local Issues, Politics

Election in Retrospect

It was democracy in action at the local level, as 216 cities and towns of Utah chose officers in Tuesday’s municipal election. This was an election that belonged to the communities, independent from nationally-oriented campaign oratory and issues. The people were voting for and against candidates they knew, so to speak, and the issues centered… Continue reading Election in Retrospect

Local Issues, Politics

Vital Primary Election

The citizens of Utah will exercise an important function of democracy Tuesday. Their job will be to determine which of the candidates in numerous key contests will appear on the ballot for the Nov. 2 general election. Balloting in the Primary Election will beg; at 7 a.m. and close at 8 p.m. Prepared by the… Continue reading Vital Primary Election


Campaign gaining speed for repeal of amendment

How fares the fledgling campaign to repeal the 22nd Amendment i the measure that limits presidents to two elected terms? James Sparling. administrative assistant to Rep, Guy Vander Jagt, H-Mich. who is spearheading the move, tells me initial support has been “outstanding,” Vander Jagt has submitted the repeal legislation Y House Joint Resolution 687 A… Continue reading Campaign gaining speed for repeal of amendment

Agricultural, Local Issues, Politics

Analysis Shows Water Projects Value

An analysis by Ronald C. Fisher, secretary-engineer of the Colorado River Water Conservation District, serves as a timely reminder that America must continue to develop its water resources. Citing farm. economic. energy. and recreational values, Fisher stressed this point significant to government: “Western reclamation projects already have returned more money to the federal.treasury than they… Continue reading Analysis Shows Water Projects Value

BYU, History, Politics, Presidents, Provo History

How many presidents have visited Provo?

Vice President Hubert H. Humphrey’s Oct. 21 visit prompts these questions: How many United States presidents have visited in Provo and Utah County? How many vice presidents? We’re not so sure about the vice presidents. Richard Nixon was here for a speech at Brigham Young University Oct. 17, 1958 while he was vice president to Pres.… Continue reading How many presidents have visited Provo?

Agricultural, Civic Responsibility, For me to remember, Politics, Water Rights

Your Ballot Needed – Vital Vote On Water Project

(EDITORIAL) Taxpaying voters of Utah County – and in six other counties – have an opportunity and obligation to go to the polls Tuesday, Dec. 14 in what could be the most significant special election in the history of this state. They will be called upon at that time to authorize the seven-county Central Utah Water Conservancy District to sign a… Continue reading Your Ballot Needed – Vital Vote On Water Project