ln 1965 congressional salaries were raised from $22,-500 to $30,000 – and four years ago there was a 41 per cent jump to $42,500. Now a new proposal in process would give congress members and some other officials salary increases reportedly in the neighborhood of $10,000 a year. Obviously rising living costs affect congressmen as well as everyone else. But are such massive salary increases justified?… Continue reading Congressional Pay Raise
Category: Civic Responsibility
76% Turnout of Voters
The figures are in from the Utah County Clerk’s office…and the total vote of 59,471 in the county in the 1972 general election was indeed a record. But we mustn’t pat ourselves on the back too enthusiastically until we examine the whole story. The record total vote was NOT a record in the percentage of… Continue reading 76% Turnout of Voters
Election in Retrospect
It was democracy in action at the local level, as 216 cities and towns of Utah chose officers in Tuesday’s municipal election. This was an election that belonged to the communities, independent from nationally-oriented campaign oratory and issues. The people were voting for and against candidates they knew, so to speak, and the issues centered… Continue reading Election in Retrospect
For Prevention of Crime
Special weeks are a dime-a-dozen, it seems. But some have more merit than others and one that is definitely worth while is “National Crime Prevention Week,” beginning today. This is an observance sponsored by the Exchange Clubs of America the past 28 years as part of their year around crime prevention program. Locally, the Provo… Continue reading For Prevention of Crime
Focus on City Elections
This is the year of the municipal elections. Here in Utah, the citizens of each city and town will go to the polls Nov. 6 to elect the officials who will direct local affairs in the various commimities. Just because the municipal elections are not accompanied by the fanfare of a national vote should not… Continue reading Focus on City Elections
A Pitifully Light vote
Voters in the Alpine District in the north part of Utah County gave one-sided approval to a $12 million building bond issue in Tuesday’s special election. The ratio in favor was about 5 to 1. Obviously the growing district needs the school expansion program projected in the years ahead as the bond money becomes available.… Continue reading A Pitifully Light vote
Vote in Provo Primary
lt’s been a short and quiet campaign. But Provo voters should be reminded that Tuesday’s primary election is mighty important, nevertheless. Some people may say: “lt’s not worth the effort to vote in a primary. l’ll wait and cast my ballot in the November 4 election.” With that kind of thinking, your favorite candidate might… Continue reading Vote in Provo Primary
Help Make the Decision
With 12 candidates in the race for two offices to be filled in Provo’s municipal election this fall, the citizens have a definite choice when they go to the polls in Tuesday’s primary. Nine candidates are in the race for city commissioner; four are running for city auditor. Only the voters of Provo are involved… Continue reading Help Make the Decision
Responsibility With Guns
Irresponsible use of fireamis undoubtedly adds fuel to arguments of those favoring tight gun controls – something heavily opposed here in the West. A couple of gun incidents here in Utah County last weekend can be classified in that category and can only be viewed as deplorable. On Saturday, someone believed to be deer hunting,… Continue reading Responsibility With Guns
Your Ballot Needed – Vital Vote On Water Project
(EDITORIAL) Taxpaying voters of Utah County – and in six other counties – have an opportunity and obligation to go to the polls Tuesday, Dec. 14 in what could be the most significant special election in the history of this state. They will be called upon at that time to authorize the seven-county Central Utah Water Conservancy District to sign a… Continue reading Your Ballot Needed – Vital Vote On Water Project