
Sundance died in Utah prison, author says

Click to see original imagejl in the Paul Newman-Robert Redford ;:0vie “Butch Cassidy annd the Sundance . id,” the end for Butch and Sundance comes fn Bolivia around 1908, when they are cut ndown by gunfire from the Bolivian Army. TQ Wrong, says author Edward M. Kirby nl amn, Donn. In his just-published hook, The Rise It Falla! the Snmdance Kld.” KirycIHh1SSnnnndancedledJune2,1955,in tahSl1ntePrison.Thepristzrnerwhodiedon tdatzwasamystezionsoldmangoinghy ‘ name 04 Hynim BeBee. who murdered L Plewunt City Marshal Alonzo Theodore ly l0 years before. ‘ Many researchers have claimed in recent earstlnatButchandS11ndaneereturnedto V e UnitedStates tmm South America. They ad gone there around the tum nl the matu. hoping to continue their depredatiom hen the telegraph, train-riding poses and W ‘nkerton detectives grew too restrictive for ld-style outlawry in the western United ‘ tu x ‘ – Actually, the story of the dul.laws’ death in iolivia derives from reports now believed to a. be faulty, and almost. noevidence survivu ta indicate Butch and Sundance died in South America Sundance, whose rd name was Harry Alonzo Longabaugh. was born in 1068 in Phoenixville, Pa., acewmng to Kirby’s research. which included interviews with the out.law’s relatives in Pansylvania. Hishistory is welklocurnen throu his years with Butch’: Wild incln%ng a string ofdaringrohberias,Qisnotindlspute through the time he. Inch and the lovely Etta Place went to Soni America. About the time of the alleged shoot-out. thetrailsofhothonntlsvrsg’owcold.0ne reportcitedinlherzrtsayaknitchretumedtotheUnited tesinlll05.Sornetime later, Sundance aqpoaedly returned. Kirby said he talked with the daughter-in law of Sundands sister, Samaria; the daugnter-irrlaw died about two years ago. An aged und bearded Hiram Babes sits in the Carbon County I sheriff’s office in Price. A She recalled that letters came from Sun) daneeup 1.01915, and possibly later than that, long after the claimed Bolivian shoot-out. “She remembered the letters coming in, and her mother-in-law and her hnsband go ing upstairs to read thern,” Kirby told the Deseret News in a telephone interview. “She claimed they destroyed all the letters. “Also, his other sister, Emma. who’s mentioned in the book, – which was written some time in the late wills – eliminated hirninherwlllbecauaeoitlietypeotlitethat he lived” Kirby said he only recently discovered thatlactbytalkingwithsomeornewhoread Emma’: will. He had earlier thought she changed the will because she believed Sundance was dead. What happened to Sundance after the south American visit? For awhile, according to Kirby, one report puts langabaugh in Juarez, Mexico, just across the border from El Paso. Texas. He may have run guns to the troops of the bandit-revolutionary Pancho Villa. Kirby wrote that bongabaugh lainily sources who don’t want to be identified said Sundaneevlaluad hlsbrother. wood,lnSan Francisco. Another story claims that alter World War I started, Umgahangh joined use Arabs in their tgt hr independence irvm ‘htrkey. By lbll, book says, Sundance was traveling unda new aliases. including (hon-ge Hanlon. Hiram Bennlon and Hiram Behee. in 1919, the first known remrds of Belsee show up, when George Hanlon, sllas Hirum Beliee. was arrested for rolling a dnnnk. He wassnsntnsncedtoonetolllyearainsan Quentin Penitentiary. lntheearlyl9tlk.BeBeeandhiswiie. Glame, and Paul A. Millet., lived in Rode ville. Washington County. close to Zion National PsrkTbeyrnoved toSprlngCity.Sanpete County. in 1015 0n0ct.l6,lN5.thetrtowebttoProvotor business They stopped in Mt. Pleasant, five miles horn home. and Behee got into an alternation in a bar. An off-duty town marshal. lanm. took him lrom the har became of his ualqioullanguage, threwBeBeeinhlxplett=.p3itck.tux-nedaway – andBeBeeshothtrn to ‘ squad. sentenm was committed toxllirhegin gn-taon. and lne died otaldageat UtahState rlson,Phinto1the Mounllilnin IHB. Hewas Utah’soldeat prison: and his pbotog-sph was in Life Magaune. Strangely mnoug: it was the question of BeBee’s identity tcauaed the tracas. ancnsdtrng ht an spzioatlon for oornrnnitation Behee flied in 1 The a tion. a of which is in the Dnaeretm?nr.n?llbraryct%F;:. says. “l ordered s glass at beer and was standing naar the booths drinking it when someone seated in a booth shed me my name. ”lansnweredbyaayin’!;Tliatkotnoinnportaneei He then sai ‘l am curious’ l amwered. ‘Don’t let your ldle minority gn the best of yon”‘ ‘ lmmedlntely alter tbemotl according to Deseret News tiles. BeBee hegived like an old-tlmehsndit. Atonedmebead.mltled.”l put two ship in him’ Alter the denoting, the three sped wat, thanstoppedatMoroni.Accordlngtoal90b Deseret News article, in Mcronl they “agaln became rvwdy. Here, Moroni City Marshal RAte1lBalIzytaokttiek4vyslronitl:etrnnrk. and the Brat word he had of the Mt. Heasant was when the bearded KHadhlsgunandthreatetnedtA1″drillyunn ldld that gnny in ML Pleasant’ il he did not return the keys” Bailey returned the keys and telephoned Iorhelpa.sthethreeroa1-edoffsg,ain.0ltieen blocked the road at Ephraim and Fountain Green Bellee surrendered at his borne is Spring City. Daring the arrest. Mrs. Beliee said she wotnldgethercoatirvmacloaetarndbe ready to gd LL Paul M. Chriatiaon “played a hlllchbeatbertothecloeet andseiaedagun concealed there.” Also round were a ,’&24:allber revolver in herpurseanotltergunonabedunderaplllow, and still another small-caliber gun. Mrs Beliee died while Bellee was in me oa.snd$6,ll00wastonandsewnlnherc lng, according to Kirby. in pr-laon. the long-haired. bearded convict wasanenlgrnallerefnmedtosayanythlng ahout his pst. and spouted a strange rnixtnae ti philosophy and blasphemy. I-le was uncorncemed when sentenced to dh. as ,”1’here is no sucb thing as dealh.” and. ‘ my rarcas he riddled by hulH-l. I will not Bellee added. “l had no personal e against the man. nor had ever hdorebuthyknoekingnnearounnd likes rninberball he mah his bid for destractlon.” Bsheewasonlysieetslnnelnestallwlnun arruted in 1945, Kirby said. and 5 leet 3 inches years later. Sundance was recorded asbtning5!eet9inn:%nnstalI. Klrbyesplalm thtsbymyinghetalkedwlthdoctorswho y u paddiq between vertebrae. Kirby measured ydtotos of Sundance and Bdee. trying to compare arntapreada whidn would not irlnk evut li a person lout holdin 1’be measurernernta turned out to be thourne.withlnaalneb.tnesatd. BeBee’s none wu mach larger than Sundaneex and the ears were larger. Kirby said the anne and ears endian tgugrow as one ages ohm looting larger In age than in Otbu- than these diflerenes ‘ Behee looked remarkably like Sundance Even his chin was similar when BeBee was tore.-eably shaved in lm. Kirby visited relauvex of BeBee’s triend. Millet. who did not want to he named. “I-le ltndicatedtnthennthathewasindeedtlnc Sundance Kid Obvlonnaly, hc wasnt about to announce thlan” Kirby said. Sundsnt-e’s purpose in keeping his rr-al ida-itlty secret was to pmteet his family, Kirby said; his lamily undoubtedly had auflered already because of the bandlt’s career. new ultfne gen me ttm surname and ae Bee might have been the same man? Abcut five years ago. Kirby said, be was able te see a manuscript another author had written shout Butch Cassidy. who supposedly llval in Johnnie. Nev.. after leaving South Amen-ea. The manuscript reported Butch said Sindante was living in southern Utah under the name of BeBee. in June 1980, Kirby said, an article was published in the Mami Messenger saying Be Bea was actually Sundance; Kirby said this waaatterhehadhegnntoraeearchtlnesann possibility. in the article. Sheriff Kennard. Anderson said he remembered an old man who gave a nartllng exhibition of sharpshooting and was thought to be Sundancel