
Article Tells Affordable Alternatives in Housing

Click to see original image(Third of four articles exploring “affordable alteniatlves” in the hooslng crlrla because of lnflotlon and blgh lnterest ratea.l By N. LA VERL CHRISTENSEN Scripps League Newspapers Moll’ile’manufactured homes still offer an affordable housing alternative despite todays rising prices and high interest rates. Thus asserts Walter L. Benning. president of the Manufactured Housing Institute in Arlington. Va The institute represents mobile home manufacturers and their supplier companies. Donit be confused by the term mobile manufactured homes The 1980 Housing Act changes the term “mobile home.” which evolved from the old “trailer” heritage. to “manufactured home” in all federal laws and regulations. Benning said the new name recognizes the mobile ‘manufactured home for what it is: “A primary form of American hoiming.” improved dramatically from former days Sen Lawton Chiles. D-Ffa. took occasion in a recent Congressional Record statement to declare the mobile manufactured home is becoming more and more popular “For example. in my home state, about one out of nine individuals lives in a mohile home ” Benning reported that depending on size and personal taste. a new mobile manufactured home can be purchased anywhere from less than $10 000 to more than $50.000 Jeff Meyers. regional sales manager for Central Homes. inc . Greeley. Colo. said his firm builds the mobile-manufactured homes for about S20 to $23 per square loot. depending on furnishings and equipment With the homes now accepted. in many cases, as permanent single family housing. more people are going to wooden sides with pitched. shingled roofs. he noted Bob Pierce, sales manager for Nashua Manufactured Homes. Boise. lda.. estimated the construction cost of Nashua homes ranges from $l8 to $22 per square foot. On an average. 65 percent of the homes groduced by the company are itfoot wi th and 35 percent double width Many low and moderate income families and retirees on fixed incomes gravitate to mobile manufactured homes ut, accordinf to Mrs. Beppg Hobbs of Luxury Mobi e Homes in pringville. Utah, many people from higher income brackets also buy this type of housing. “Some like the freedom the mobile home gives them. and want to relax and live a bit. All at once that expensive house on the lull with the big payments and all the yard work doesn’t mean a thing and they ask. “Why keep up with the Joneses anywav”” ,Prices for a 1.000-square-foot mobile home usually start at about !l’I.000 – M by 65 foot dimension, Mrs. Robb sald. Go to 1.800 square feet ia home 7.8 by65 feet and you’re in the S40.000 range, she noted. The cost of a “pad” at a mobile home park will vary with the location and facilities Zoning in some sectors permit MH’s on lots zoned for single family dwelle ings. California recently adopted a law barring cities and counties from prohibiting installation of mobile homes on such lots Emphasizing the quality that goes into construction. Benning said that all homes built since June I5. WIS. have had to meet requirements of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Mobile Home Construction and Safety Standards Code What happens to the value of a mobile home over the years? A study by a major insurance company. Benning said, showed that homes built since W13 appreciated in Ealue fmm 5 to 27 percent on a nation-wide asis.