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Click to see original imageBy N. laverl Christensen Scripps league Newspapers A statement by Gen. Edward C. Meyer, Army chief of staff, that all but one of the 10 U.S.-based divisions are now at readiness level is reassuring. Less than a year ago, aix of the divisions were reported unfit for combat. The Army’s six overseas divisions have been kept in a high state of readiness. These and their supporting elements account for about45 percent of the Arrny’s total strength of about 774,000 men and women. Whether the present volunteer system can continue to fill the expanding manpower needs without assistance from a millitary draft is something only time un te , Meyer attributed the upgraded readlnem largely to a stronger corps of non-commissioned officers, but mentioned also improved quality of recruiting, longer and tougher basic training, and application of greater resources to maintaining weapons and other equip ment. As for quality of soldiers, the chief of staff said the percentage of male Amy recruits with high school diplomas has climbed to about 70 percent from below the 40 percent mark in ISN. Pay increases voted by Congress last year and further boosts in benefits recommended by the Reagan Administration have been credited in part for gains in retaining seasoned non-coms and recnriting new soldiers of higher quality. What about ti: fubrref The Army has proposed boosting its regular strength by about lt,000 over the next five years to provide two more divisions, and adding BLM) to NJD0 to the national guard and reserves. Meyer predicted last February that if the regular Army were to increase beyond Nl,000 the country would have to consider a draft. President Reagan and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger have said repeatedly they hope pay raises and other inducements will make it possible to maintain an all-volunteer force, even with expansion. If volunteer recruiting keeps pace with the growing military strength projected by the Administration, well and good. If it doesn’t a military draft of the necessary dimension shouldn’t be viewed as any national calamity. A peacetime draft isn’t new by any means. Circumstances after World War Il required that the US maintain a large standing anned force. F0rZ5 years- from 1048 to lm – a draft was in effect. Although enacted in peacetime, it encompassed both the Korean and Vietnam conflicts. Young men were required to register rpon reaching their 10th birthday. This made them subject totwo years of active duty in the military, depending on manpower requirements. Currently the U.S. has a draft registration in effect but no actual conscription. All but one of our NATO allies rely on the draft, and even Europe’: neutral! including Sweden, Austria, Finland and Switzerland – operate national service systems that can quickly call on men until they are 50. We are not advocating conscriptlon as long as the volunteer system adequately fills the need. But orrr leaders in Washington should not delay taking the necemary steps to institute it if national delerrse requires. Meantime, Americans should welcome the news from the Amiy chief of staff of both improved military posture by our Arrny divisions and better success in recruiting.