
Heber Train. lnterurbun bollided at Center and 200 West

Click to see original image‘lne traln wreck at (knter Sreetand Second West in Provo gt. 4, ltl;;1am’t massive from B t of darna e; unl three urs were derailegi. Y Nobody wu killed and only 14 persona were Injured enough to have their names llsted in newspaper accounts. Yet the accident was historic, Inaway.Howottandotwot1-alris collide right in the heart of the bualnen district? It occurred nearly 51 years 7 V ”80. YW n month and a week $$1 txegxnrld War I ar6%- clpals were the &lt lake it Utah Railroad, whose electrk lntenu-ban for-. merly operatql betwem Poyoon and Salt Lalte City, and the Heber Branch train of the Denver & Rio Grande Western Railroad. Both of these trains have now gone the way of scores of other razl llnu in Utah that have hlomxfl, fadlrvan andh ceased oper ons g t e ust cmtury. ” P The Salt Lake at Utah Railroad, nicknamed the “Orem” alter W. C. Oran, the !”8Toer hired to build the llne, dosed down Feb. 8, lkd after more than three decades of werqdou. The Heber Branch of the Riu Grande has now given up 9’2 shost also, and its h-ackage ::111-lglm l;lrovo pulled out to arm, dill-Mx West (‘Ifhe D&RGW itself, ofcourse, continues as one of the well. known rallroads in the West and Midwest. And the “Heber per” stlll llvu in rein. tlon as an excursion tran ted from Heber to the dal Veil Falls area in Prov: 0” W ‘ $””’9 hullqllllin Waaatqt County.) Old-timers of Provo stlll talk the collision at Secald est and Center – and sn-. tlon of some dne pictures n that day by an eorlstng Provo photographer lps to keep the memory allve, The plcturas – part of an IY-day photo legacy left by elB.Robtnaon,arenowthe possuslonot Mr. und Mrs. A. W. Adamson of Provo. y Mr. Robinson was a svlth mnuel J rson ‘ the Provo Photo Sllgzg at a 75 N. Unlva-sity Ave. in that , Els daughter Bernice ( . Adamsomlnheritedherla ‘ ‘s pictures. These have l u loaned ltr others to copy a uunher are now in exls . Many older Prvvoans die photos, readily recall wreck. But runernberlng date or eval the year was te snotlnr thing, thlwrlter fotlld. with guassu mam from 1015 to 1933 hy pu-sm interviewed. Fred Nelson I ‘H N. 150 W. lrovlded the clue tll ulahlad ua to locate the is of the colllslon in tiles, He remuubced that ssmgers on the lnterur carrier. ne and his tsth: brother were hotmd torSaIt 7 ketotbe shtetalrthedaydt&accldent. He correctly reimnbered that hewaaabout llorllyearsold at the time. i ‘ltte wreti was ered Oct. t, lillon Page 1 the old Provo Poet (whlch me with the Harald in 1934). ave go . am are g for that pertod. Its pamenger swollen that morning been uf both the state talr and = general conference, the ur Orem pulledoutofthe vostatlonat First West and ter (where the J. C. Penney! store is now ttloatllllcdttnfngellt t v monttnuedllt-oinPaae i) located) st 8:45. westbound for salt lake cm z I bound, approaching Oentcr. Business hulldinae on the north side of Center obstructed each traln’s view of the other. The Provo Post (undoubtedly the article was written by editor H. C. Hicks, one of the intenn’ban’s passengers who was altghib injured in the collision) reputed the lmpact occurred “wlth a tremendous crash” that “tn-rIfled” the ponengers. Theu-emtralnwas drlveu by Metorman Bhelladny under direction of Umductor Spears. “‘”‘…,….5′””‘. ‘ts'”‘Ll’s’Z” r an . . ser cmductor of the Haha- tnln .whlch oonsisted of tour king: nd two passenger urs. panmgcr coaches wu-e at the rear of the train and occupants wu-e not injured. l ha coulogetlgeltv st the crossing lmlees the ne; ons sooo iiop,soheturned on lhepower. Three of the lnterurban’s eoaehs cleared the track but ,tha hu-th was hit near the from . mtu the steam engine of the ‘ train. ‘ ‘lhe men men wss ossusd land damaged badly; the Heber lh-atn’s nglne and tenhr also ,ware du-atled. Damage to the lateam traln was llgl;The Salt ilake t Utah Ra d conch ,int.-urred the brunt of the damage. l t The injury list, all passengers 4 Fifth Ward, was most an-loualy iD!’III’2d.,WlIhWft5’tlIIdl$dCBIl and bruises. Others listed as injured by one newspnu or another included: Mayor LeRoy Dixon, Schools Sapa-lntend tL. E. Eggertsal, E. D. Jonas, und Edlttr I-licks of Provo; Mr. and Mrs. Diaries Clownrd, Charlu Reynolds and J. A. lmeleu of Payson; Heber 1’lmetlw of Roosevelt, and Mrs. M. J. Finley, Hrs. Giarles Evans, and Mr. and Hrs. Boyer Phyidalxsh-eatedthehijiarad ettheProvoGorss-all-1oa;atal,ln the Sutton-Chaco Dru Store near the scene, andthe otllce of Ik. Wann- T. Hasler. In some cases the lnjur-les were superficial; hospitalization was required for only one orrtwo tortmately the coach of the 0-em train “was the mods-n nael type which protected the pssulgeosf That’s about the story, – M for the dlscusaloo on whose fault the accident wu. Newgnper comments seaned to disagree on this and we lmnd no odidal, rqnort of the IlIV$IIuN1. There were a couple of mall additional ltema: – Mr. Nelson ranernhered that the sherltf was aboard the th-emts-aln,takll;two prlsonera to the nate penltentlry. 11: agether land went sprawling – . .= n fwhowmttn to Salt – had a nlce time ohapltettiernta-nlng’sharrowlrlg Eperlmce. Those who attended pleased because rghoeeph F. u ‘s , I eMstlIa%-saw lttiaevareillnu. And nate Ialr attenders were happy because Utahcounty walkedot! with sweepstakes honors.