
At Lust! Help for the Victim

Click to see original imageWith nearly one in every three American households hit by crime each year. the Omnibus Victim Protection Act of 1982 is expected to attract considerable public attention. Essentially, the measure responds to the needs of the victim, an aspect of the crime scenario which often receives too little emphasis under the justice system. It would enhance the ability of the federal government to protect and assist victims and witnesses of crimes without requiring additional appropriation of federal funds. according to Sen. Henry M. Jackson. Washington Democrat. a co-sponsor. The legislation was developed in consultation with the Department of Justice. American Bar Association. retiree and senior citizen groups, and others. Some of its main provisions would: – Require that the sentencing report contain a verified statement assessing the financial. social, psychological and medical impact upon. and any cost to, the victim of the crime in question. – Provide criminal penalties for any intimidation or retaliation against not only witnesses (present lawr but victims as well. – Broaden the attorney general’s authority to relocate or protect witnesses. X J – Enable the AG to initiate civil proceedings to restrain intimidation of a witness or victim. The court currently can offer no assistance to a victim or witness who is either harassed or threatened. – Provide that in crimes involving loss of property or personal injury. restitution shall be ordered unless the judge states for the record the reasons it shall not apply. – Prohibit federal felons from profiting as a result of notoriety (interviews. books. movies. etc.) directly related to the criminal act until the restitution rights of the victim are determined by forfeiture or civil proceedings. The nation must continue to wage a relentless and eifective fight against the criminal element. But when crimes do occur, the protection bill would be a positive step toward alleviating the damage to innocent victims and a warning to potential lawbreakers of the added liabilities they could face as a result of their actions.