
University Shows Integrity

Click to see original imageYou have to be impressed with the moral integrity of an educational institution which rejects a large grant because of questionable principles embraced by the donor, Just recently. Georgetown University at Washington. D.C, returned a gift of more than $600.000 plus accrued interest to the Government of Libya because of moral reservations over that country’s emphasis upon terrorism and violence as instruments of its foreign policy. Georgetown’s President Timothy Healy delivered a check for $641,721 to the Libyan Embassy. The donation had been pledged in i977 to support the university’s Center for Contemporary Arab Studies. In a letter to his faculty. Father Healy commented: “University finance must ‘take second place to keeping a Catholic moral understanding without which Georgetown University. no matter how well endowed. would be meaningless? He elaborated on the school’s attitude toward the donor’s alleged policies in this quotation from The New York Times: “Libya’s continued accent on violence as a normal method of international policy and its growing support of terrorism as a tool of government has made it increasingly impossible for Georgetown University to feel comfortable in having its name associated with the Libyan government “‘ The action of Healy and the university’s trustees was praised in Congress last week by Rep. Silvio Conte. R-Mass who commented: “The decision to sever the tie underscores the integrity of Georgetown as an academically independent institution. albeit now a monetarily poorer one it is all the more commendable at this time when private colleges and universities are undergoing some of their most severe flnancial strains in history.” President Healy’s statement that financing must not take precedence over moral principles might well be considered hy other institutions as a guideline for acceptance of financial gifts.