
It’s Senior Citizens Month

Click to see original imageMay is Senior Citizens Month and it’s being observed in Central Utah with a variety of activities. For example, in Provo there’s currently an art exhibit in the Eldred Center featuring work of senior citizens. On the lBth, a special program will honor some of the folks who are 90 or over. And there are various recreational and cultural activities on docket. Nation-wide, senior citizens constitute what might be called the country’s largest minority 23 million men and women who can boast they are part of the voting bloc which has the best percentage for a balloting record. The hopes and problems and challenges of senior citizens nationally pretty much apply to the seniors here in Central Utah – food and health costs, forced retirement, income problems, transportation. The Carter administration has said it is considering a Senior Citizens Conference – and it is hoped that such a meeting will consider input from all areas of the country on needed programs and legislation. Ceiling restrictions on outside earnings need to be removed or the limits raised to encourage senior citizens to work and make money to keep up with soaring inflation without cutting down on society security benefits. Attention needs to be given to rising hospitalization, medical, and dental costs ; to an expanded mental health program for the elderly ; to better protection against crime against the elderly ; to mass transit that will help folks get to market, church, or other destinations. It is hoped that Senior Citizens Month will put focus on these problems, and above all, that it will help restore dignity which has been lost by many who have contributed so much to community, state, and nation through the years.