Forty years Ago a kindly and in-sighted school teacher triad without success bo convince leaders of youth that boys with problems need homes, nut institution;. So nhs msda 1 resolution: “I will provide lamily-type homes myself for boy: with delinquent. tendoncian.” , Ettie Leo did just.-that. Today there are nearly 20 Ettio Leo homes in Utah and California, nmountiug to the largest single boys hams organization in the two states. In Utah are the David Lu Home at Mapleton, the Genoln Home, Highland View Ranch at Birdseye. Will Brooks Home at Hurricane. and Cedar Ridge Home at Blending. With 10 to 15 boys residing nt nach homo in Utah md California, well over 240 receive love, guidsuca, security, responsibility and rehabilitation each yur who , otherwise might be in juvenile institutions or maming tha streets. Each home is presided over by “homc purenta” who use that actual homs conditions md ntmohphere us provided. The Ettis Lea Homes Inc. is A mm-profit Boys Home Foundation. in recent yam, the “‘Utnh Friends of Ettie Lee Homu” han been established to assist, giving depth and breadth to citizen support. Victor J. Bird of Provo is president ui the “Ubnh Frieuds,” assisted by a corps 01 volunteer officers and directors. Currently they nre inviting public contributions to assist in paying off as $10.000 mortgage on the Genola Home for $3500. That sounds like 3 nent trick. Here’! the explanation. A year ago, the “Utsh Friends” helped Miss Loo make payment on s 10-acre ranch property near Genulu in Utah County so sha could ausuin sn.other home fvr buys. The $10,000 balance on the purchase was set up as a mortgage. Now g generous citizen has given $3000 worth of shock to tha orgsnization and has said that li the “Uuh Friends” uu nin unother $8500 toward the mortgage he’11 than pay off tha lut $8500 making tha Geuoln homo debtfren. The Gsuola homo-ranch ls m Ideal layout for boys, with plenty of space, farm animals, even A swimming hole (used for ics skating in winhr time). In this season of the year whm hearts turn to good deeds and service to fellow men. we suggest the Ettis Lea Homes Inc., P.0. l Box 825, Provo, as a worthwhile institution to which to contribute. l Certainly money invested in the project is m investment in citizenship and the future of our society. Ettie Leo, the lady who started this boys home movement, is now l in her eighties and resides in California. She and her Utah organization welcome and need help in l carrying forth the program. This means both maintaining and remodeling of existing homes and l acquisition or construction of new ; ones. It’; n meritorious program indeed. Mull Stills Afrncan Drums ”Dn-kent Africa” is turning pals. “(Airlcms) have not yet adoptnd electric signals but possess, however, A system of communications quite an nffectlve.” famed explorer Henry M. Stanley could write soma 90 years ag:. “Their hugs dx-umn by being truck in different puh convey language as dau to tha initiated u vocal npeach.” Today, mod! Africans no no more able to interpret n tum-tom message than visiting Americans, nportn the National Geographic Iocioty. Once tha mainstay at primitive communication. village drums have grown silent. Tribes that anon relied on drums now uu the mails, dupita the fact that the old way was cheaper and (subsr. The came in true of tribesmon around tha world. In India, nys the Society, rohyn of drummers could onus and g manage 800 milu Ln just 17 minuhs. Tho U.S. Post Office, which la not exactly famed for dolivuriu! wmmnmicntioms at the speed of sound, could do worse than to take 1 look at this art before it vmiuhu completely.