Local Issues

It’s the 11th Hour Now

Click to see original imageA word of warning to
property tax payers ct
Central Utah: The 1975
payment deadline will be
Usually the deadline
comes Nov. 30, The counties
have extended it this year
because the 30th falls on
It pays to meet the
deadline. Under the law, tax
payers who fail to pay by the
prescribed date will be
charged a 2 per cent penalty
plus $1.50 publication costs
of the delinquent list about
Dec. 15. If the’ tax hasn’t
been paid by Jan. 15, penalty
interest at the rate of 8
percent will be applied,
Utah County’s total
property tax bill this year
amounts to about $17,500,00
of which about 65 per cent
had been paid as of Friday.
Monday probably will be the
biggest collection day, with
some of the largest tax
checks expected in the last-
minute rush.
Countv Treasurer Stanley
Walker says Utah County
will accept taxes until5 p.m.
Monday at the office and
mailed taxes postmarked
that day,
In Juab County, the
deadline will be 5 p.m.
Monday, according to Erma
Goble, treasurer. Total
taxes billed amount to
Taxes assessd in Wasatch
County exceed $1 million,
according to June J.
Wheeler, treasurer, and the
deadline is Monday noon,
In the event you haven’t
received your tax notice, it
would be well to check with
the treasurer’s office first
thing Monday. The
responisbility for paying the
taxes on property belongs to
the owner, even though he
may not have received the
tax notice.
Digging up the money for
the annual tax bill isn’t
always an easy task – but
consider yourself reminded.
It’s the llth hour now,