Liberty, Not written by N.L.C.

Man Tells ‘Responsibilities’

Click to see original imageEditor, Herald:

I agree with the comments made by N, La Verl Christensen in Feb. 7’s Daily Herald regarding a bill of responsibilities. There are five other statements that should be added to the list and repeated over and over again.

1. Responsibility is the key to freedom.

2. True freedom is the right to do what we ought to do, not the right to do what we may want to do.

3. The term Free Enterprise should be changed to Responsible Enterprise hereafter. Then perhaps environmentalists and people employed by EPA and other regulatory agencies could become engaged in more useful occupations.

4. Integrity and responsibility are the keystones in the arch of freedom, not just the Bill of Rights.

5. All men have not been created equal either by nature and especially by nurture. This dream for a new nation conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal by Thomas Jefferson was similar to the dream of martin Luther King. Nor will there be any unalienable rights until we have all assumed commensurate responsibilities. When most Blacks and American Indians excel in scientific and professional work such as physicians, psychicists, chemists etc. as much as they have excelled in athletics, there will be no more socioeconomic discrimination. Human nature will not accept it in any other wav.

I. Dale Despain
1175 E. 930 N.