
‘Old GIory,’ National Anthem Worthy of Emotion

Click to see original imageYou can ilv the Stars anu Stripe today with rpechl pride. Flu Day lll ls the Nth hlrthdal nl the utiuul emblem. . there’! a purl lnfegust about everxeone in the ee ration. Presl nt Reagan lu call led upon Americans ta display the Hq “lrvm porcttu. windows and sturefrcnu” and to rdlect on the hlusings of U.S. cltlnunship Additiunally. he wanu us to contlnue dlsglaying Old Glory through ” onur American Days.” Z1-day patriotic salute endmg an the Fourth ul July. How well we respond in the President’: appeal might provide an index w our ntriotlsm level here in Central John Hancock, president of Lhe Continental Congess and first signer uf the eclantlon of Independence, defined patriotism as “this noble allection which lmpels us in sacrifice everything dear. even lite Itself. to our muntry.” In the context ul wr own times. Adlai Stevenson. late governor of Illinois and two-time Democratic nominee lar President, spoke M “s pntrlotlsm that puts countrv ahead 0I sell – not shun. frenz ed outburst; of emothm. but the tranquil and steady dedication of a lifetime In the light uf such dellnitions. President Rufanl request seems minima – certainly witrun the reach of must families who care Yet lt’: a challenge not Iulfnlled by the majority nn the past. Not that we’re any better or worse in this regard than Americans elsewhere. but the percentage nl homes Ilytng the Hag an the average pntriouc holiday hasn’t been argthinf to brag about despite e sp endid example nl mnnyv The American Flag has a proud history. it was June ll, I77’1 nearly a year after 56 brave patriots si ned the Declaration of lnderengence – that the Cmntlnenta Congress passed this resolution; that the flag ul the 13 United States be 13 stripes. altemate red and white: that the unlnn be 13 mn, white on 1 blue field Thus the new nation soon had its own emblem. replacing a vu-lety nl earlier banners used in the colonies. Today the American Flag rartlu among the oldest cl national standards in the world. Initially there was to be a star and a strlpe for each slate. After Vermont (mlb and Kehtucky lim) were admitted, the flag was redesigned to Include I5 stars and I5 stripes. An other states cnme into the Union it became evident there would be tcm many stripes. So in lll! it was decreed the number be reduced and restricted henceforth to 13 lrepresenting the nriglnal colonies) while a new yur s ould be added for each Jueceeding state, The Continental Congress lelt no record as to show why it chose red. white and blue for the flag. ‘ hut in 1182 the Congress of the Cmlederauon chase these same colors for the newly-designed Great Seal of the Unlled States. The resclutlon on the seal said red is fur hardiness and courage. white, for purity and hope; and blue, (or vigilance, perseverance and justice. Gemgge Washington interpret the symbolism as lolIows’ “We take the stars from Heaven. the red from uur mother country. separating nt by white stripes, thus showmg that we have separated from her. and the white stripes shall gu down in lpcsterity representmg Liberty ” Whence the name “Old Glory”? 1’his was gnven the flag Aug 10, 1831 by Capt. William Driver nl the shnp Charles Doggett and nl won came into general acceptance ‘ The ll ,-of-cvmsersrbnslhn 4t sym’ Iwhzes the and. the people. the government – the nation’; glorious past and iu hopes and aspirations for the future lnclnding the ever-continuing quest for the lull measure of Ireednm. justice and democracy envlsloned by the Founding fathers 1 It was his ilimpses of the giant American Fag in the ”dawn’s ” srly light” nt Fart Mc!-lenry that inspired Francis Scott Key to write “The Star-Spangled Ban Tam but preserved in the British bombardment. that flag still inspire: Americans who visit the Smithsonian Institution Jhere it la displnyed. American symbols. rituals and watchwordn center strongly un the flag. For example. the Pledge uf Allegiance “une natlan, under God, with llberty and justlce for all”; the Americans Creed which identifies respect for the flag as a solemn duty; and the custom of dnpiq cukeu of war veterans with the Stars and t loyal American doesnt SW.? experience a wave of emotion to see Old Glory waving over a mlllury installation. a capitol building or historic shrine? Yet tm oltut we uke the (Lag for granted. lallln; to look to the “tranqnll and steady dedicaunn” alluded in by Adlni Stevenson. Attend n Flag Day ceremony and you won’! nee many nf your It-lends. Witness a parade and observe the ‘mthy as mnny people talk. wa r about, cr sll exgrenlonless what the llaiigoes Hy, Where is the spirit enry olcnmb Bennett put intu his poem: Hats nfl! Along the street there comes A blare uf bugles. a mffle of drums. A flash ul color beneath the shy. Hsu ull! The flag is passing hy. , Yet, we cnn take consolation in that our area hu been virtually lree of zntl-flag demnnstrallons and such desecntlcns as flagburning experienced in same secmm in the put. To be sure patriotism still lives. but we need wrehlndle our love of country from time ta time and nut wait for another world vur tu jog us from our com, plncency. Responding to President ?=g::’s Lu display the mu n e ndence Da should he the (mt order oy; business. As we gn on from there. each family polishing ns patriotic zeal m its own way, there should be na shortage cl wards and deeds from which to lake example. To name a few Cuuntlus men and women who have sacrificed their lives an defense 01 freedom and peace . ypwple volunteering for public servma monuments with a message such as the Marines raising the flag aver Iwo Jima . the inspirlng Memorial Dqggisplay of 1100 flags at the vo Cemetery representing veterans of all wars buried there .. stirrlng patriotic songs . stories nf Nathan Hale, John Paul Jones and other national heroes .. and eloquent words of patriotism such as Daniel Wehstefs “I was born an American. I live an Arnerlenn; I shall die an Amerlcan.” Alvin M. Owsley. pant American Legion national commander, gave this tm of advice on reipect lar the flag in a specia mess: e to ple nl all races and cregdsr pm h “Wlzen you see the Stars and Stripes disrlnyed, nin, stand up and take n fymtr lut . , Don’! be ashamed when your throat choke: and the tears come as you see the flag flying from flagstalls nl the Republic. You will never have a vmrthier emution .. “Llsten, um! The band is playrn; the natlunal anthem – ‘Tne Sur-Spangled Banner’! They have let loose Old Glury under Sunni up – and others will stand with you.”