N An impressive delegation of Utalma, headed by Govvenor Calvin Hampton, will be Ieaving Salt Lake City Saturday headed for New York City and a crucial przsentation to the United States Olympic Committee in a bid to land the 1967 Winter Olympics for Salt Loh City. Four other cities will also make presentation belore the U. S. Committee and the winner will be umotmoed this Sunday. Represenmlvee from Salt Lake City, Seattle, Den-l ver, and Lake Placid, N. Y., will be tryin: to win the myport of the United Stale! Olymplc Committee. The dw that gains die U. S, mpport will then make lu presentation bef-me the Internationii Olympic Counnlttee which wlll determine the site hr the me Olymlu. The winter pmea ue lu Grenoble, Fume, nat yur. and Samorro, Japan, lu Wl!. Salt Lake (Sty won the U.S. bid for the 1972 games, but 1ostouttoJapanintlieinter= national competition in prmur miou at Rome, lltaly. ‘Pwu Prwo men will be mablng the trip with the Utah Committee. M.r. P. E. Aahton, a member of the Olymylu for Utah Committee, and Mr. LaVerl Chrisumai, editor of ‘liu Daily Herald, will be cn tha plane along with Ran Swenson, Governor’; press aide, Jim Guier, Utah Travel Council, Dev Jennings, OU! Committee, Glenn Adams, OU’! Committee, F. C. Koziol, GUI Committee, Joe R o g e r s, Hot.-hey Association, Lee Jorgensen, Salt Lake Chmnbu- of Gmmeme, and Earl Walters, International Ski Association. Other press and television mm making the trip are Gans Hnltord, Dave Novelle, Gad Bowden, Ted Capenar, Rink Spratlhig, Bob saith, Hack Miller. Murray Molex, Steve Lawson, Dem Tyler, Bill Mag-., Ingrid, Bob Coles, and Wayne oss,