
WLgt Qreation Tale Be Taught

Click to see original imageRep. William E. Dannemeyer has charged in Congress that the Federal Goverment “continues to promote the theory of evolution as the sole explanation of man’s origins on Earth to the exclusion of the theory of creation.” This occurs, the California Republican says, through diverse avenues ranging from federal funding of exhibits at the Smithsonian Institution to partial funding of science instruction at primary and secondary schools across the country. We agree with Dannemeyer that when federal funds are involved in any forum on the subject, the creation story as told in the Bible should have at least equal billing with evolution. The American people traditionally have stood for faimess – and fairness plain and simple, plus national conscience, ought to dictate that creation – as part of one of the cornerstones on which the Republic was founded not be sidetracked. In his Bicentennial book, “The American Ideal of 1776,” author Hamilton A. Long stressed ”12 basic American principles” and the very first one is recognition of the Spirtual. Long summed up the principle with this conclusion: “Belief in man’s divine origin is the foundation of the fundamental American principle which controls his relationship to government: that man the individual – is of supreme dignity and value because of his spiritual nature.” The Declaration of Independence asserts ”… all men are created endowed by their Creator… The Massachusetts Bill of Rights of 1780 states: “It is the right as well as the duty of all men to worship the Supreme -Being, thy, Creator and Preservere of the Universe? Those opiates are only a starter in the recognition given religion, including belief in a divine Creator, by the Founding Fathers. Dannemeyer introduced into the Congressional Record of June 14 an article, “Evolution: Fact or Fallacy?” which discusses legitimate questions about that theory. The article by Randolph Merrill, teacher at Good Shepherd Lutheran School in Inglewood, Calif., appeared in the May edition of “This Month,” publication of the Southern California District of the Lutheran ChurchMissouri Synod. Regardless of one’s own views on the subject, this newspaper -suggests Congress look into the “evolution at the exclusion of creation” charges leveled by one of its members. The fairness we urge in dealing with the subject should include full respect for the views of the nation’s founders who are not here to speak for themselves.