
Volunteer Youth Work Force is Good ldeo

Click to see original imageFrom time to time suggestions for a return to the peacetime military draft turn up in Congress, the idea being to train young Americans for one or two years, bolstering the countiys military preparedness and manpower availability. The issue currently is quite dormant, however, with the All-Volunteer Force regularly filling its quotas in the past year or two. Now another form of national youth service is being proposed by Sen. Patrick Leahy, Vermont Democrat. The idea should not be thought of lightly – especially in view of the high rate of U. S. unemployment among young people. Addressing graduates at Lyndon State College in his home state, Leahy called for consideration of a universal program requiring young men and women “to dedicate one year of their lives to community or national service.” He said the plan would fill important needs and promote ”a return to a spirit of patriotism and service to country.” A supporter of the AllVolunteer Force, Leahy said that youngsters who do not join the military should still serve their nation in some capacity and be involved in the rebuilding of America. The Vermont lawmaker criticized a growing trend of dependency on government and said, “People expect a lot but give little back in return.” He believes his plan would help reverse that situation. As an example of what can be done, he cited California’s Conservation Corps under which young people have fought forest fires, planted trees, and performed a variety of jobs. While the program Leahy envisions undoubtedly faces rough going, especially with economic conditions as they are, the idea has obvious merit for the benefit of both the country and the young people. At a time when government cannot afford to restore national and local parks, transportation systems, and highways, there appears to be a great deal that could he accomplished. Congress should undertake a reasoned debate on Leahy’s suggestion, looking to possible development of a program along the lines he proposes if it proves practical and affordable.