
Citizenship Day”. …C0nstituti0n Week

Click to see original imageToday marks the 196th anniversary of the hrstonc signing of the Constitution of the United States. By presidential proclamation rt is observed as Citizenship Day, with Constitution Week commemorated through Sept. 23. it was at the old Philadelphia State House that the constitutional convention convened May 25, 1737 with 55 delegates. The scene was tamilrar. it was here that the Declaration of Independence was debated and adopted in 1776. in a summer of challenging but inspired effort. colonial leaders hammered out t.he blueprint for the American Republic – the supreme law of the land and 39 members signed the dralt of the new Constitution on Sept. 17, 1787. One by one the 13 states called conventiorw to delurte and ratify the instrument. The minimum of nine states required for ratification was assured when New Hampshire approved the Constitution June 21, lm. By any objective reckoning, Citizenship Day rperhaps more aptly, Constitution Days ought in stand with the Fourth of July u a great national holiday. Yet it passes year after year with only perfunctory recognition. We would at least like to see the reversed dociurient honored at birthday commemorations in communities of the land. Under the name of Convention ll, a highly – motivated group of young people held a “Constitution birthday party” two years ago in the halls of Congress, an event that could serve as a pattern for other groups. A magnificent cake rn the shape of the United States, surrounded by red, white, and blue candles. was a focal point. There were appropnate speeches. The event ws co-sponsored by the National Association nl Secondary School Principab and the National Association of Student Councils. Representatives of 100 national, state and local orgnrzations were guests. Sometimes the vital importance of the Constitution escapes us because it seems almost anti-climatic by comparison with the ringing phrases of the Declaration of Independence and the heroic struggles of the Amencan Revolution. But this inspired document, which Gladstone called “the most wonderful work ever struck oil at a given time by the brain and purpose of continues to serve us exceedingly well nearly two centuries later. it rs our anchor of direction our guide and blueprint as we pursue the conouct or our tomr of govemment. “ln every partioular,” said former U.S. Sen. Birch Bayh of Indiana, “the Constitution rightly merits our praise and recognition: In the distinction of its authorship: in its excellence. clarity and brevity of form, in its remarkable adaptability to changing conditions; in its perseverance; and in its salutary effect on the affairs of men and women the world over.” Citizenship Day and Constitution Week are worthy and litting complements to independence Day. let each American take time today and as often as possible to reflect on the Constitutions purpose “to lorrn a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty.”