
S tutes Plugging FoodStump Holes

Click to see original imagelt’s elementary that when the government allocates money for food stamps every precaution should be taken to see that the funds get to the needy. Despite past efforts to plug loopholes, however. illegal trafficking in food stamps is still denying food to the poor according to Rep. Thomas Coleman. FtMo. Reauthorized in 1981 for one year, the food stamp program must be rewritten this year. This will give Congress opportunity to further tighten regulations and enforcement. In one positive move last year, legislation was passed giving certain law enforcement authority to the Department of Agriculture’s Office of the Inspector General. But Coleman. who sponsored the bill. said in a Congressional Record statement that problems still exist. “We are dealing not only with abuse of the system but also with hardened criminals who steal from those truly in need and use food stamps to purchase illegal drugs. guns and other items.” In a specific case the congressman cited the operator of a Kentucky boarding home for children was arrested and accused of criminal trafficking of food stamps and selling a child for $6.000 in stamps and $1 000 cash. Theft of stamps by criminal elements and willingness of many recipients and cooperators to use them as a sort uf currency rather than strictly for food is a basic part of the over-all problem. The system is moving toward eliminating the ATP t authorization to participate) card, a vehicle for abuse in the past. in favor of delivering the stamps directly to the eligible person. Some states. including Utah, are using computers to improve their food stamp handling and reduce fraud. And an electronic payment system is being tried in New York City as a pilot program. Recipients of food stamps and public assistance are issued a magnetically – encoded photo – identification card. They take the card to a bank where it is entered into a small phone-like terminal connected to the central computer system. A second card is inserted by the bank teller. When the cards match. a voucher is printed showing the assistance to which the person is eligible. The voucher is signed and the recipient leaves with the cash and stamps. Apparently the government is open to further suggestions with the rewriting of the food stamp program. These should be directed to your senators or congressman.