
Hupky Birthdc1yL Presidmaz?

Click to see original imageWith the hlu span ntelnng upward. a 75lh htrthdzn anntveisart isnt the milestone it used to he But hutr olten du uc lap u senior citizen ut his St:VEtIl1t:s lt! bear lllu awcstrllte respunsilultltes of l ntted States pt estdent? The answer. ul course. is that until llunahl llilson llvaguns twtrterni prestdoney. no uiuc! exerntttu had been inaugurated ttt that season of lns hte The elusest tu this was lldhum llenry llarrison. the nntth president. who was GH when he took ulttve March -1. 11441. ile set ved the shortest time ul any president heloru dying of pneumonia alter just an month at the helm ‘lkvdaty. President Reagan eetehrates the diamond unntvers.u’t of lus hu’th un l-“ub 6 1511 And vthetlter putt agree unh all ut his pultvtes oi not you have to be thattklul that our president continues to handle his heat) tiurdens uith surh vigor. courage und graee. ‘At nge 59. lleagan was the oldest man ever elected president hul he looked lat younger than his years and has vigorous und mltletu-. one hmgrupher ut-ure. Now alter live pears as the euunlr) s -ttlth president, he still scents quite rohust for a titan of his age and the demands nn his leatlcrslup and cttergtvs. 1.eu lludertvk. head ul the ilashmgtun LltIt’t:Ill ttl SC1’lpl)s lkuguu NEVl’StILtpU1’S. gave me this personal slant un the rtuel cxerttttve the other day lie sltll stands tall and straight Hts grip is i1t”tl1lZll1L2l)’ 111’II1 Blttl 110 gt’Ut’ls )uu with warmth and personal charm. said 1.ee. who has just been elected ehatrman of the hoard of governors ul the hattunal I’rcss tflub. when you hear sueh reports and see lteagan tm l8l0V1Sl0fI you hal’? tu be impressed. especially as you think 0I his recovery lrom a bullet wound in his chest tnlheted by a would-be assassin . . worrisome mternatmnul pmhtems wlueh have plagued httn .. arduous battling with Uungress un domestic and loreigu issues . and his euneer surgery ut last year. lleagans birthday prompts sume age Vultlpaltlsntts IIlvull’1t1g pt’E$Ifl0l1lS. Dwight l-Ztsenhuwer was H6 tu start his second term James Buchanan was elected at H5 and Zavhary Ta) lot at ti-1 Al Q2, ‘lheutlore Roosevelt was the tuungest mam to hetonie prt-suttnt is ure pn-stdeut. he sueceedul to the lllute House upon. the assassination death ul lltlham Mrltinley in 1901 lluusevelt un-elerted to a teitn of his own in 1901 John l-‘. Kennedy nas 411 when he Ia eante the toungest person ever l;1.1-Zt”I”t-,lt president. llts assassination at -1li iuadtv hint the presttlent who hted the shortest numher of tears. John Mlarns and lleiht-it lloovur htcd the longest l-Zae-In died tit uu U5 tar the largest number ul t-luut ttxvtiltlltus llcI’u Itl 1lIU11’ hits lllivu tltaupu- l ratutl. lteoigc ll’usInngton was B1, Alunham i.m.-um az l Unly .1 relatively text took ulltrr in than 4os r lllysses S tirunt. hi, tirotex llrwelantl. 47. 1”raukhn Pearce. lll. .Iatut;, .l Garlic-ld and Jatuus 1’ulk. -19. plus ltenne tl) and ‘ilwodoie Ilousn-tell Ilcagan s age wasnt much ut un issue in etlhct ul his presidential elu-turn tout X tlalgtls l1’Itl0L:tI. the Fcslllls Ilulltalu lIt.tlt ms tert-s umm tt-my nm 1-tram.-l ml general in tinlu, he truunr-ul tttcutulntnll Jimmy Carter wu electoral votes to tv The margin was even greatet in 1Ull vtlu-n he raplured 525 electoral votes to only 1.l Iur Walter Mondale. Ilcagun stall has three tough tents to go in his second term. But putting present and luture cares aside for a nuunent, let s lush nur president ntan) happy returns ul the day’ and continued pootl health’