
Congressional Puy Issue

Click to see original imageSince members of Congress received a $13.500 salary increase in 1977. the red flag goes up at the mention of further increases in pay for senators and congressmen. Taxpayers traditionally are quite sensitive when raises are mentioned for public officials, particularly when salaries already are high and Washington pay boosts seem to have such a bearing on inflation, Under present law, Congress is in line for an automatic compounded pay increase beginning next month. This would include 7 percent recommended by the Carter ade ministration, and a 5.5 percent boost Congress deferred last year. That amounts to a hefty increase when you’re already making $57.500 a year, as senators and congressmen are. The bill would give an increase of ll percent this year to top federal officials making $47,500 and above. This boost would far exceed President Carter’s inflation guidelines. As matters now stand, Congress would be in a position to share that increase. But a house Appropriations subcommittee Tuesday recommended the boost be held to 7 ‘percent. The bill now goes to the full committee and then to the House. President Carter has recommended a 7 percent increase this year for all white collar government employees and high-level oficials in the legislative, executive and judicial branches, Utah Aw. su l .; . :-. t .. ues … -. . ‘ – halt he utomaElELIaise for Con ess and freeze J salaries atltlgggiggit leve ‘ – a 3311 : the to 1He ovemment officials to get eir )1Z?JTp%-cenvgncreasefmns ”””‘” ‘” Congress’ fiscal policies probably have had as much to do with rising inflation as just about any other factor. Yet, proponents of a new pay raise argue, the solons own living costs have soared an estimated Z5 percent since the last pay raise. The salary question probably will get attention in the period immediately ahead. The S careful scrutiny of the issue, in- A cu in e impac increases for Con Rss 1 c1als hisl5rically have had on inflation. i I! is hoped the entire ‘salary question will be handled in the open and that interested members of the public will let their opinions be known. Bu rbs Famer we know who has a large orchard never took a drink in hls lIfe, but he makes plenty of applejsck. A cynic is a person who always looks on the bright side. hoping it will tamish before his eyes. Fairy tales for grownups: Used car ads. First law of communications: The phone bell is activated principally by the shower door. Bored with life? Consider the alternative. fellow, A Add to your collection of collective nouns: 1 consensus of yes-men. No, Gwendolyn, a subcompact isn’t a teensie-weensie submarine.