
Income Tox Compc1risons

Click to see original imageStatistics released by the Utah Taxpayers Association confirm what a lot of taxpayers have suspected: Our state income tax burden is well above average among states. UTA-released figures compiled from Census Bureau information show Utah’s 1976 per capita income tax to be $114.46 compared to the national average of $100.24. The highest state was Alaska at $332.86. Actually 44 states collected individual income taxes in 1976. Of these, Utah ranked 18th income taxes per capita and 12th in income taxes per $1000 of personal income. Some of the states at the low end of the income tax scale are Tennessee, $5.25 per capita ; New Hampshire, $7.51; New Jersey, $13.79; Connecticut, $16.20; and Louisiana, $30.63. Intermountain states with income tax shown include Montana, $129.51, 12th among states; Colorado, $124.03, 14th ; Idaho, $118.92, 17th ; Arizona, $71.75, 31st ; New Mexico, $49.82, 36th. Jack A. Olson, executive vice president of the Utah Taxpayers Association, reports that all of Utah’s individual income tax goes to the Uniform School Fund. Schools also get about 60 per cent of the property taxes collected in Utah. It’s good to know where we stand – and it’s especially important that our legislators understand the comparative tax burden when they hold their next session.